PRINCE2 Project Management decisions
PRINCE2 Project Management decisions

PRINCE2 Project Management planning

Project management involves planning and coordinating the work of a whole organization in accordance with its objectives, goals and objectives. It is about key people and their attributes who coordinate work towards fulfilling a corporate objective such as developing a new product, service or process. When starting a new project, organizational projects within a flow will be used in pre-planning. This flow is the top-level scheme of the project. Thus, a project management flow needs to be created to coordinate the activities within a larger economy.  A plan will be created with the elements, such as objectives, deliverables, time-lines, risks, resource requirements, tender specifications, Supervision Plan and Materials Requirements Plan. As outlined on a prince 2 London Course and qualification.

Project managers will typically choose a company that will serve as their sponsor, creating the expertise and infrastructure necessary to deliver the planned scheme for achievement. The following activities need to be attended to before having any management studies conducted:

PRINCE2 Project Management decisions
PRINCE2 Project Management decisions
  1. People to participate in planning and coordinating activities
  2. Organizational barriers to planning and coordinating such as authority, challenge, and accountability
  3. Providing for a starting point from which the project ideas can be transferred to the organization for evaluation and management
  4. Setting up an effective phase planning meeting and reporting phase to be conducted

to support a project plan, until completion

Projects should be evaluated and conducted in two phases, namely, planning and implementing. During the project, immediate answers to the project plan and results should be identified. This is where project ending statements are identified who needs to do what department. This phase is often referred to as the delivery phase. The plan is sent back to the project managers, their comments and review should be done.

When implementing the project, the project manger needs to follow a set of guidelines that ensures the task followers have the right to utilize a contract when possible, or a clearly specified work process. An inspection process should be followed to address any non-complying team member and any improper methodologies. Since the pre-planning phase is very important and essential part of making the work, it cannot be over-looked.

Projects are managed by following certain steps which can be categorized as a development task. The steps in project management are


In order to bring life to projects, certain activities are required. These include:


The first and most important step in project management is carrying out tasks. Planning is the materialization of project tasks. In developing a plan, there are two types of basic steps:

Project initiation is the immediate beginning of a project. An advantage of this phase is that the team members will have the opportunity to focus on their objectives. Activities in the project initiation phase are:

Project Planning

Once a group has been selected, then project planning is carried out. During this phase, the team establishes the team members’ responsibilities and assignments for completing the project. In this phase the activities should be outlined as part of the plan. The activities are carried out and used to support the objectives, to develop a work plan, quality management plan and a corrective or preventive action plan. This part is constantly under monitoring based on the plan. The most important factor in project planning is ownership and team member participation.



Proper and effective planning needs to be carried out at each stage of the project to bring it to its successful completion. Activities during this phase are:


hazardous act is any act or event which when left unresolved can create danger and should be avoided. Risk assessment is a planned exercise that helps to identify any potential risks to be avoided. Risk management is a planned activity that ensures the possibility of dealing with and preventing these risks.  Activities during this phase are:


It is always necessary to answer a certain question before beginning any task. A question is asked to determine the feasibility of the task. As such, these questions are identified as task tendency. Activities during these parts of the project are:

In essence, the phases involved in project management are as follows: plan, initiate, participate, coordinate and complete. Planning and initiate the program. It also involves deciding on the kind of work to be done and the targets to be achieved. Coordinate the team and its efforts. It reflects the management information sharing system. It also assists the client to consider the alternatives to work a certain program. Complete the entire initiative by assessing and taking reasonable professional obligations.

The project management flow looks like this.  The planning and initiation phase cares for the process and organizing of the project.

The next phase in the project management process is the planning period.

The last part is to coordinate the work.

Some people assign a Team Leader, others may use their Team Member.  This step includes the responsibilities of each member.