PRINCE2 Project Management decisions
PRINCE2 Project Management decisions

Agile Project Management explained

Project management involves planning, organizing, and directing the specific results of a work or effort performed under the direction of two or more people.  Examples of typical project management activities include: physical organizational, financial, and technical planning.  Project planning consists of defining the objectives and intermediate plans to accomplish them and assigning responsibilities to the project team members. As outlined on an agilepm course.

Financial and technical planning include establishinging funding for the project, establishing budgets for each activity, setting up a quality assurance system, and developing a work scheduling system.  Financial planning includes determining the source of funding, establishing insurance requirements, and establishing a budget for the project in terms of expenditures, revenues, and profits.  Technical planning involves determining the technology to be used in relation to the project, determining the functional organization of the organization, and establishing engineering and legal requirements for the time and resources necessary to implement the project.  Technical management also includes determining the known underlying technology, determining the objectives of the technical plan, and determining the relative orimate likely outcomes for each activity as specified in the objective of the project.

Because project planning involves the conceptualization of the project and the establishment of a detailed plan, it is sometimes considered to be the critical part of project management.  To ensure the plan is comprehensive, it must be written through the project’s life cycle and include all details.  A formal project plan allows for the realistic allocation of resources to each activity and to ensure consistent, timely, and accurate project results.  Poor planning will often result in over- or under- staging.  In addition, the project planning establishes the parameters by which the team members will be held accountable for meeting the stated conclusions.  Without them, it can be difficult for the team to interpret the results and adjust the plan.

Project teams must effectively work together and effectively communicate among themselves in order to achieve a successful project.  Teams are most effective when their members establish mutual responsibilities, priorities, and authority to ensure the team’s effective work process increases quality, commitment, and project coverage.  Team members must hold one another accountable for the results.  Without written goals, charts, flow charts, and timelines, it is not possible for a team member to effectively monitor methodology, responsibilities, and timeframes.  When the scope of the project changes, all members of the team must evaluate the reason for the change.  To allow project progress to be tracked effectively and efficiently requires the use of distribute methodologies to distribute the final deliverables.  These methods allow project teams to continuously monitor and monitor the progress of ongoing projects as well as learn from their experience, and improve future work.

Project management entails managing the investment of the team’s time, various resources, and the team’s effectiveness at plan in order to successfully implement and achieve a particular goal.  A key success factor in a project is to accurately predict the deliverables expected from the team, and then having prepared to effectively deliver all goals and objectives.  Thus, project management provides priority and context for the team to effectively work together.