Navigating Inheritance: Transferring Property After a Loved One's Passing in India
Navigating Inheritance: Transferring Property After a Loved One's Passing in India

A Path to Ownership: Government Initiatives for Unauthorized Properties in Delhi

For decades, residents of unauthorized colonies in Delhi faced uncertainty due to the lack of property rights. These colonies, though lacking official sanction, housed a significant portion of the city’s population. Recognizing this challenge, the government has implemented initiatives to address the issue.

A landmark effort is the PM-UDAY (Prime Minister – Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi Awas Adhikar Yojana) Scheme, launched in 2019. This scheme aims to confer ownership rights to residents of 1,731 unauthorized colonies. Under PM-UDAY, residents can apply online through the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) portal for property ownership. The scheme streamlines the process and ensures transparency.

Prior to PM-UDAY, the government had a long history of regularizing unauthorized colonies. The 1977 policy allowed property owners to regularize their holdings by paying development charges set by DDA. This policy led to the regularization of 567 colonies by 1993. Recognizing the need for further development, the government in 1999 initiated projects to construct roads and drains in these colonies.

The 2004 guidelines issued by the Ministry of Urban Development provided a framework for further regularization. These guidelines included a proposal for charging land rates and penalties for colonies on public land.

These initiatives highlight the government’s multi-pronged approach. PM-UDAY focuses on ownership rights, while previous policies addressed development and infrastructure needs. While challenges remain, like ensuring fire safety clearances, these efforts represent a significant step towards a more secure future for residents of unauthorized colonies.